

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV)

In chapter 3 of Colossians Paul wrote to the people of Colossae who he wanted to encourage in the faith. Part of this encouragement was to welcome them as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The other part of his teaching to the Colossians was to provide advice on practical living in Christ. One focus area was how they work.

Daily routine before work

When I wake up in the morning I talk to God and thank Him for this new day. Nothing long usually just a quick prayer. I embrace what Jesus taught His disciples about how to pray, “And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.” Matthew 6:7 (NIV). I’m not saying we should not spend a meaningful amount of time praying to God, but what I am saying is that a quick prayer is also powerful and effective. After I pray I typically send the Bible Verse of the Day and update the site that you are currently reading.

Worship on the way to work

Now that I work from home I have to be more intentional about listening to worship music before work. Before 2020, I had a daily commute that was usually 30-45 minutes (subject to change at any moment without notice because of Atlanta traffic). I would either listen to GPraise 106.3 Orlando, or stream some type of gospel music from my phone. Now that I work from home I listen to gospel music while I fix breakfast and get my son ready for school.

At work

Throughout my working career, I’ve done a variety of jobs: retail customer service, call centers, and technical support. One consistent theme about each one of those roles was I saw it is an opportunity to serve others. At this point in my career, I am in a role where I lead, but I still try to find a way to work along side my teammates or my manager. As a servant (even at work) I feel there is no task too small for me to complete. I’ve always thought the best leaders know how to get in the trenches as well. Of course, I had days that were less than ideal and moments that I handled less than holy. One thing that I try to remember is to work like I am working for the Lord. Why? Because I prayed for God to give me the job! I try to be a good steward over what God has blessed me with, and my job is one area where I can show my appreciation through my actions. I try to use opportunities at work for ministry moments. I will expound more on this point later in this devotional.

Pray daily at work

Before I check my first email or start working on my daily tasks, I thank God and pray that He blesses the work of my hands and that I do His will throughout my day. Again not a long prayer, but meaningful. When I encounter an issue or need Godly wisdom, I bring that before God in prayer. There have been many times I have prayed for work related equipment such as servers, software, and other technical issues I have encountered. There is nothing off limits! If there is a problem with it, I will pray about it. The computers, servers, and switches at my job are probably some of the most blessed equipment on this planet! I have prayed so many prayers of healing and restoration over that equipment. While that may sound funny, take a look at what Paul said in Philippians 4:6 (NIV), “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” The way I see it God wants me to pray about any situation, so computer equipment is well within the “every” part of the verse.

Prayer for coworkers

I have prayed for my coworkers when I heard about difficult situations at work or in their personal lives. I prayed for many of them without them even knowing. If someone asks me to pray, I try my best to do it in that moment. I’ll ask if it is okay to pray with them now, and then we pray together over that situation. The first time I did this it was hard and I was afraid, but never has anyone declined the offer. I once heard a pastor speak about praying for the person "in the moment." When someone asks me to pray for them, I try to do it "in the moment" while it is fresh on my mind. I have also asked coworkers and friends to pray for me as well.

By inviting God in my work life and being a good steward over my job I have experienced being blessed in ways that can only be attributed to God being the source.

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