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Ask My favorite saying is, "you have not because you ask not." I taught this to my youngest son, and he definitely leans into that way of thinking...
Bless The word bless can be used in several different ways. It is not a one size fits all kind of word...
Child Are you still a child? If you are reading this and you have passed the age of 18 your answer is likely, no!...
Delegating There are times when we either try to delegate a task we are destined to do or hold on to a task meant for others to fulfill their purpose...
Disrupt In the “Quiet” devotional I mentioned that Jesus would go to a quiet place to pray, and be with God. This is a true statement, but Jesus also knew how to disrupt...
Fasting There is a difference between dieting and fasting...
Fear God created mankind in His image and likeness. This means we inherited the traits of God, one of those being power.
Foundation 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, tells us that Christ is our foundation. No other foundation can compare to the strength and unmoveable characteristics of Christ...
Future Have you ever sat around and thought about what the future holds for you? You can be assured that God knows your heart and what you need...
God Is I read a daily devotional sent to me by a good friend name Mark. The title was "God Is", and the end had an assignment to list who you think God is, and to provide scriptures to support your answers...
Peace This devotional will help you to find peace...
Pray This devotional will answer the most basic questions about prayer, and to provide a template for your prayers...
Psalms In the “Pray” devotional I asked, “who should pray?” I have another question for you, “who should sing?” Based on talent, not me...
Quiet Devotional for the introverts...
Rest Do you think you have more endurance than God? Certainly not! We wouldn't make the claim that we have more stamina than our Creator...
Scripting In this devotional I will discuss two unrelated topics scripture and scripting...
Self-Control I know that self control is often hard to master. The good news is we don't have to master it alone...
Somebody Somebody has to do it! Why not you? You are somebody, and you can do it! Maybe you think you can’t do it, and you are probably right...
Stand One quote that I remember from one of my mentors as a child is, "if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything...
Teaching I must start by giving credit to all the wonderful teachers, and especially my wife!
Together Paul tells us that we are all united by our faith in Christ. This verse captures what God wants for us in this divided world when He brought Jesus to the earth...
Waiting If you got here because you read the Ask devotional and you still haven’t received. I encourage you to do the one the hardest thing for us mortals to do, wait...
W.I.N. What is noteworthy about your day?
Wonderful I wonder if Isaiah knew when he was given the prophetic explanation of Jesus how quoted and impactful the words, “Wonderful Counselor..."
Working By inviting God in my work life and being a good steward over my job I have experienced being blessed in ways that can only be attributed to God being the source...
Worship In my walk with the Lord I have heard many sermons on the topic of worship. I have often thought of praise and worship as interchangeable words...